Section 1414 (d) (5) (A) (iii) (I)

    (I) In general

  • A State desiring to participate in the program under this paragraph shall submit a proposal to the Secretary at such time and in such manner as the Secretary may reasonably require.
  • (II) Content

  • The proposal shall include—
    • (aa) assurances that the development of a multi-year IEP under this paragraph is optional for parents;
    • (bb) assurances that the parent is required to provide informed consent before a comprehensive multi-year IEP is developed;
    • (cc) a list of required elements for each multi-year IEP, including—
    • (AA) measurable goals pursuant to paragraph (1)(A)(i)(II), coinciding with natural transition points for the child, that will enable the child to be involved in and make progress in the general education curriculum and that will meet the child’s other needs that result from the child’s disability; and
    • (BB) measurable annual goals for determining progress toward meeting the goals described in subitem (AA); and

    • (dd) a description of the process for the review and revision of each multi-year IEP, including—
    • (AA) a review by the IEP Team of the child’s multi-year IEP at each of the child’s natural transition points;
    • (BB) in years other than a child’s natural transition points, an annual review of the child’s IEP to determine the child’s current levels of progress and whether the annual goals for the child are being achieved, and a requirement to amend the IEP, as appropriate, to enable the child to continue to meet the measurable goals set out in the IEP;
    • (CC) if the IEP Team determines on the basis of a review that the child is not making sufficient progress toward the goals described in the multi-year IEP, a requirement that the local educational agency shall ensure that the IEP Team carries out a more thorough review of the IEP in accordance with paragraph (4) within 30 calendar days; and
    • (DD) at the request of the parent, a requirement that the IEP Team shall conduct a review of the child’s multi-year IEP rather than or subsequent to an annual review.
    • Severe Discrepancy
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      Last modified on November 7, 2019