POLICY LETTER: January 6, 2011 to Lehigh University Professor of Education and Law Perry A. Zirkel

Topic Areas: Child Find Procedures—Identify, locate, and evaluate children suspected of having a disability, Evaluation and Reeavluation, Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) and Response to Intervention (RTI), Parent Consent, Private Schools—Parentally Placed Private School Children, Specific Learning Disability
POLICY LETTER: January 6, 2011 to Lehigh University Professor of Education and Law
POLICY LETTER: January 6, 2011 to Lehigh University Professor of Education and Law


Letter clarifying how LEAs that use a response-to-intervention (RTI) process can determine whether a child enrolled in a private school by his or her parents has a specific learning disability. 

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Last modified on November 14, 2023