OSEP Releases Fast Facts on School Aged Children with Disabilities

Introducing a Supplemental Tool to Help Stakeholders Engage with New Fast Facts

Source: U.S. Department of Education, EDFacts Data Warehouse. Data from 2012-2018 includes ages 6-21 and 2019 includes ages 5 (in kindergarten)-21. SY 2019-20 was the transition year for reporting 5-year-olds in Kindergarten in FS002 - Children with Disabilities (IDEA) School Age. States/entities had the option to report children that are 5 years old in the reporting categories "Age 5 (School Age)" and "Age 5 (Early Childhood)". The permanent change takes place in SY 2020-2  Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Office of Special Education Programs. Hand in Hand. A supplemental tool to help parents and other stakeholders engage with OSEP Fast Facts: School Aged Children 5 (in kindergarten) Through 21 Served Under Part B, Section 618 of the IDEA.

By the Office of Special Education Programs

OSEP is excited to release a new Fast Facts on School Aged Children 5 (in Kindergarten) Through 21 Served Under Part B, Section 618 of the IDEA along with a new supplemental tool, Hand In Hand, which is intended to be used alongside the new OSEP Fast Fact.

Highlights from OSEP Fast Facts: School aged children 5 (in kindergarten) through 21 Served under Part B, of the IDEA:

  • Since 2012, the number of children, ages 5 (in kindergarten) through 21, served under IDEA, Part B, has increased by more than half a million students (738,154) or more than 12%.
  • The percent of the population, ages 6 through 21, served under IDEA Part B is 9.86%. The percentages in states range from 7.92% to 13.9%.
  • The top three disability categories reported for children, ages 5 (in kindergarten) through 21, served under IDEA, Part B are specific learning disability, speech or language impairment, and other health impairment.

For the Hand In Hand supplemental tool, each display in the OSEP Fast Facts: School Aged Children 5 (in Kindergarten) Through 21 Served Under Part B, of the IDEA is presented with critical questions to allow parents and other stakeholders to engage with the materials. Throughout the Hand In Hand resource, look for hands highlighting further reading on the topics.

OSEP Fast Facts is an ongoing effort to display data from the 12 data collections authorized under IDEA Section 618 into graphic, visual representations with the intent to present 618 data quickly and clearly.

Visit the OSEP Fast Facts page for existing and future Fast Facts.

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