Section 1464 (b) (2) (D)

  • (D) the effectiveness of schools, local educational agencies, States, other recipients of assistance under this chapter, and the Secretary in achieving the purposes of this chapter by—
    • (i) improving the academic achievement of children with disabilities and their performance on regular statewide assessments as compared to nondisabled children, and the performance of children with disabilities on alternate assessments;
    • (ii) improving the participation of children with disabilities in the general education curriculum;
    • (iii) improving the transitions of children with disabilities at natural transition points;
    • (iv) placing and serving children with disabilities, including minority children, in the least restrictive environment appropriate;
    • (v) preventing children with disabilities, especially children with emotional disturbances and specific learning disabilities, from dropping out of school;
    • (vi) addressing the reading and literacy needs of children with disabilities;
    • (vii) reducing the inappropriate overidentification of children, especially minority and limited English proficient children, as having a disability;
    • (viii) improving the participation of parents of children with disabilities in the education of their children; and
    • (ix) resolving disagreements between education personnel and parents through alternate dispute resolution activities, including mediation.
    • Severe Discrepancy, Severe Discrepancy, Severe Discrepancy
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      Last modified on November 7, 2019