Section 1412 (a) (21) (B)

(B) Membership

  • Such advisory panel shall consist of members appointed by the Governor, or any other official authorized under State law to make such appointments, be representative of the State population, and be composed of individuals involved in, or concerned with, the education of children with disabilities, including—
    • (i) parents of children with disabilities (ages birth through 26);
    • (ii) individuals with disabilities;
    • (iii) teachers;
    • (iv) representatives of institutions of higher education that prepare special education and related services personnel;
    • (v) State and local education officials, including officials who carry out activities under subtitle B of title VII of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11431 et seq.);
    • (vi) administrators of programs for children with disabilities;
    • (vii) representatives of other State agencies involved in the financing or delivery of related services to children with disabilities;
    • (viii) representatives of private schools and public charter schools;
    • (ix) not less than 1 representative of a vocational, community, or business organization concerned with the provision of transition services to children with disabilities;
    • (x) a representative from the State child welfare agency responsible for foster care; and
    • (xi) representatives from the State juvenile and adult corrections agencies.
    • Severe Discrepancy
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      Last modified on November 7, 2019