RFP – National Science Foundation, CISE Research Infrastructure (CRI)

The National Science Foundation’s, (NSF) Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) has a tradition of supporting CISE research infrastructure to enable transformative research at the frontiers of core CISE research disciplines and to provide unique opportunities for current and future generations of CISE researchers. The CISE Research Infrastructure (CRI) program draws on the rapidly evolving nature of the CISE disciplines and the unique infrastructure needs of CISE researchers to explore and extend the boundaries of CISE research frontiers.

Support for CI projects is provided in two award categories:

  • CI Planning (CI-P): Will fund grants of up to $100,000 for durations of up to 1 year to prepare for the submission of a CI-NEW or CI-EN proposal; and
  • Community Infrastructure: Will fund two types of grants – New (CI-New) and Enhancement (CI-EN) – of up to $3 million for durations of up to 3 years to either create new CISE research infrastructure or enhance existing CISE research infrastructure, respectively. NSF will provide no more than $250,000 per year for operating the infrastructure.

For more information go to: CISE Research Infrastructure