Hispanic Teacher Profile, Faith Rodriguez


Faith Rodriguez

Second Grade Teacher in Thermal , CA

Faith M. Rodriguez is a 2nd grade teacher at Las Palmitas Elementary School in Thermal, CA. She has been teaching for the past 11 years within the Coachella Valley Unified School District. Faith has always been inspired by her parents to do her best and follow her dreams to become a teacher. Both her parents are Mexican immigrants who came to the states to better their family’s life. Faith received her Bachelors, teaching credential, and Masters in Education from California State University, San Bernardino. She has served as grade level lead for her school, organized National Young Readers Day, and taught summer school for Migrant students. Not only does she teach within the public school system but she also serves at her church as a Sunday school teacher. There she organizes Vacation Bible School for the community. Faith believes her experiences will help encourage her students to further their education by attending college.

Why do you teach? Ever since I could remember I’ve always wanted to become a teacher. I teach to make a difference in a child’s life. My goal is to make a child feel at home when they come to school. Our children are the future.

Growing up my parents always instilled the importance of obtaining an education. Even though my parents only spoke Spanish and struggled to help me, they always found a way to encourage me. I share my personal story every year with my class. I share it in hopes not only to inspire them, but that they dedicate themselves in striving to attain their goals.

What do you love about teaching? There’s nothing more that fulfills my heart than seeing a student’s transformation happen in my class or beyond. I’ve always reflected on the teachers that have made an impact in my life and I strive to do the same for my students.

When you were a student, was there a great teacher who inspired you? To this very day I can still recall my 2nd grade teacher Mr. Loomis. Mr. Loomis was an awesome teacher who always put us first. Every morning he would greet us at the door and welcome us to school. He made a connection with each of his students. He wanted to make sure we felt safe and cared for. Mr. Loomis taught me to make a connection with my students. If a student feels like you care, then they will care to do their best in school.